Friday, March 17, 2017

How to be the SuperHero of your Life

2 questions for you today...


#1: Are you the superhero of your own life?



#2: Do you know what a "superhero" even is?


Look at any big superhero movie and you"ll see someone that saves people.


They are usually damaged in one way or another... they put themselves aside -- usually causing conflict in their lives...


All to save other people.


...For the "greater good".


... Because they are "needed".


In any movie you"ll find those who save -- and those who need saving.


Look at your everyday life and you"ll find evidence of WHO you see yourself as.


Truth is, I think that both are a little bit out of place and there’s a different perspective which is more effective for living an extraordinary life.


The reason is in today"s video.


=> [new video] "Are you the Superhero of your own life?"


See you inside,



P.S. Did you know every Tuesday night we hold a private, member"s only event where we focus on ONE topic to take your business and life to the next level?


It"s called the Next Level Mastermind, and if you"re a member, you already have access.


If you’re not, go through today"s Daily Shortcut, access the bonus content, and get access to our community.


=> Watch today’s episode, HERE.

Steven Cavan

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